Photo by Ryunosuke Kikuno on Unsplash

Where Branda’s data comes from

2 min readNov 15, 2020



In the interest of transparency, we would like to remind everyone of where the information you see in the Branda app comes from. None of the information we provide is exclusive, and you can access it all from the original source. Branda collects and delivers this information in one place, adding value where possible.

COVID-19 Information

This is a link to the Brandeis University COVID19 information portal.

Both Google and Apple have added specific guidelines for apps related to COIVD19, and Apple rejected the initial version of our Fall 2020 update for including the sidebar link to Brandeis’ COVID19 page.

To help fulfill these expectations, we’re evaluating apps critically to ensure data sources are reputable and that developers presenting these apps are from recognized entities such as government organizations, health-focused NGOs, companies deeply credentialed in health issues, and medical or educational institutions. Only developers from one of these recognized entities should submit an app related to COVID19. Entertainment or game apps with COVID19 as their theme will not be allowed


All other apps may use COVID19 related keywords and related terms in the in-app experience. For non-medical related apps, references to COVID19 are limited to non-health related claims (e.g. opening hours changes, sharing tips on activities to do at home, providing commentary on the economic/social impacts of COVID19, etc.). These apps may not include health claims (e.g. prevention methods, treatments, vaccines).


While Branda is not explicitly targeting COVID19, it would not be surprising if the reason the update was rejected by Apple was because:

  • Branda has a tiny user base
  • Branda is not officially affiliated with Brandeis University (being funded and marketed by the Student Union does not count)
  • We used the term COVID19 in the app.

Original source:


The news articles you see there are scraped every 12 hours from the Brandeis homepage and pushed to the app every 24 hours.

Original source:

Hours & Calendar

These two pages are filled using data either scraped from Brandeis’ website, or updated manually by one of our team members.

Dining hours source:

Gym hours source:

Library hours source:

Calendar source:


The live shuttle tracking is provided in collaboration with Public Safety, using hardware devices installed in each BranVan from a company called Samsara.

Public Safety maintains a list of links that provide access to shuttle tracking on their website.

Shuttle tracking source:


This is just using Google Maps and a list of coordinates.



The information for the laundry machines is produced by CSC Servicework’s LaundryView service.

Original source:

